Brazilian market opens for Peruvian blueberries

South America's fastest-growing blueberry industry now has access to the continent's largest market by population, providing a well-needed outlet for a commodity that saw price falls in Northern Hemisphere markets this past season.
Peru's Agricultural Association of Producer Unions (AGAP) sent a release today celebrating the publication of phytosanitary requirements for Peruvian blueberries from Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA).
The rules state the fruit must be sent in first-use packages, and be free of impurities and residues.
"The opening of this new market allows for Peruvian blueberry exports to keep growing, which are expected to surpass the amount registered in 2016 of approximately US$241 million, consolidating its position in the regional market," AGAP said.
"Currently, Peruvian blueberries are placed at number five in Peru's non-traditional exports worldwide, having been in 21st place in 2015, also becoming the third leading product exported within fresh fruit."
While the Brazilian economy has been struggling with recession, it continues to open its doors to new fresh food import opportunities. Expectations are high that the country will grant access to Argentine lemons this year as well.