Pakistani fruit rep blames foreign airlines for reduced competition with India

A key representative from Pakistan's fruit industry has reportedly blamed foreign airlines for its lack of competitiveness with Indian mango exporters in markets like the U.K.
Local media The Express Tribune reported the airlines were also accused of letting export orders down.
All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetable Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association (PFVA) patron-in chief Waheed Ahmed told the publication they charged exorbitant rates for freight and were often the cause of the exports' failure.
He said the companies charged on average 175 rupees (US$1.7) per kilogram to transport mangoes from Karachi to the English cities of Manchester or London.
However, the same airlines reportedly only charge 85 rupees (US$0.80) per kilogram to transport the tropical fruit from India's Mumbai to Manchester and 120 rupees (US$1.10) to London.
India and neighboring Pakistan often compete heavily in the mango industry.
“There is no huge difference between the destinations [Manchester and London] from Karachi and Bombay. However, there is a huge different in freight charges. Why?” he was quoted as saying.
“This is open discrimination against Pakistan. India is our only one regional competitor."
He also alleged the high transportation rate charged by airlines only applied to mango, as otherwise the rate was 90 rupees (US$0.85) per kilogram for other Pakistani fruits and vegetables.
The representative also accused the companies of mishandling transportation of the export orders.
"Most of the times, the export order is delivered lesser in weight than the dispatched one," he told the publication.