Ecuadorian banana growers threaten national strike action

Ecuadorian banana farmers have warned they might take national strike action over the fruit's plummeting prices, according to local media El Universo.
The story said growers from five provinces met on Friday to analyze the crisis affecting the sector.
While they approved opening talks with president Lenin Moreno and Agriculture Minister Vanessa Cordero, they did not rule out a strike to pressure authorities into implementing urgent measures to aid the sector.
The head of the Orenses Banana Growers' Association (ABO) reportedly said last week that he would attend a meeting with the minister, but would take further action if a solution was not found to the problem.
There are more than 9,000 banana growers in the country, but officials believe more than half receive less than the official minimum price per box, according to the story.
"We have been receiving barely two dollars per box for more than eight weeks, we've had to reduce hours and suspend farmworkers," banana grower Miguel Guanoquiza was quoted as saying.