U.S.: Georgia Ports to close over the weekend due to Irma

The Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) has announced operations will cease at the ports of Savannah and Brunswick, effective Saturday, Sept. 9, through Tuesday, Sept. 12.
Truck gates will close at 6 p.m. Friday in Savannah, while vessel operations will end at midnight. The Port of Savannah will not be accepting empty container returns Friday.
At Colonel's Island and Mayor's Point terminals in Brunswick, gates will close at 5 p.m. Friday.
"The safety of our employees and partners in the maritime community is our highest concern," said GPA Executive Director Griff Lynch.
"We encourage GPA staff and our neighbors to heed Governor Deal's warning and evacuate ahead of the storm."
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has issued a mandatory evacuation order effective Saturday for Coastal Georgia.
"Our terminals in Savannah and Brunswick play a vital role in customer supply lines," Lynch said.
"After the hurricane passes, we are committed to assessing any damage and getting our ports back up and running as quickly as possible."
For text updates on the GPA's storm response, text "IRMA" to 888777. On the web, watch gaports.com for updates, or follow the GPA on Twitter at @GaPorts.
Port Everglades in Florida has also announced closures in relation to the hurricane.
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