Chilean orange exports squeeze upward in 2017

Export volumes and prices have been much higher for Chilean oranges in 2017, with Canada substantially raising its intake while imports fell sharply in Saudi Arabia and South Korea.
According to the latest statistics from Chile's Office of Agricultural Research and Policy (ODEPA) for January through August, exports were up 14% year-on-year at 65,630 metric tons (MT).
The vast majority (93%) went to the United States which saw an 18% rise in its imports of Chilean oranges, while Canada jumped from fourth to second place to import 1,283MT, representing a 79% increase.
Chile saw a 64% reduction in orange exports to Saudi Arabia (840MT), a 30% drop to South Korea (836MT) and a 165% surge in shipments to the Netherlands, a key re-export hub for the EU market.
U.S. Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) data for importer prices in Philadelphia shows average pricing per 15kg (33lbs) equivalent box between July and the first week of September was up 15% year-on-year at US$22.30.
In the first week of September Chilean oranges were fetching US$3.80 extra per box compared to the same week last year, or 21% higher at US$19.50. For the month of July, prices were up 16% at US$22 per box.