Spin the Greenery reel for veggie inspiration

A new app, the Vegetable Fruit Machine, has been created to present five different recipes based on the ingredients that randomly appear when people “spin the wheel”.
The Dutch fresh produce company’s fresh produce slot machine offers up exciting ideas to motivate home cooks to use a much broader variety of fresh produce, with the ultimate objective of pushing up consumption.
The idea is to get away from the familiar feeling people often experience when they want to cook an interesting veggie-based dish, but have no idea what.
According to The Greenery, it’s very common for home cooks to revert back to traditional vegetables like broccoli, beans and cauliflower, without giving much thought to the wealth of exciting veggies available.
Research commissioned by The Greenery found that Dutch shoppers often make a shopping list that consists of the same products, leaving little room for creativity and inspiring new dishes.
"We want to offer Dutch consumers more inspiration and challenge them to consume more and more fruit and vegetables,” says Mary-Grace van Leeuwen van, from The Greenery.
“We find that consumers can use some inspiration and with the introduction of the Vegetable Fruit Machine we found a nice way for that.
“There is so much more to experience with vegetables like a zucchini or eggplant that just give your meal that surprising twist.”
The app is available to customers of The Greenery’s Verse Oogst box scheme.
The virtual slot machine also allows shoppers to remove certain vegetables and other products from searches, choose vegan-only options and “hold” products before hitting the lever - like a one-arm bandit.