Peru: ProHass forecasts further avocado export growth in 2018

The rate won't be as high as the 30% increase seen in 2017, but growth is still set to continue as new orchards mature.
The Peruvian Hass Avocado Growers Association (ProHass) expects a 10-15% year-on-year jump in exports for the 2018 campaign, news site reported.
ProHass president Daniel Bustamante told the publication the increase on last season's 230,000 metric tons (MT) would be driven by rising yields in younger orchards, but it was still too early to make a more precise prediction as trees were still in the fruit set stage.
A more concrete prediction is expected after an orchard survey is conducted in late January, the story reported.
Bustamante told the percentage split between export destinations would likely be similar to previous seasons, with around 60% going to Europe, 30% to the United States and the balance heading to Asia and regional markets like Chile.
"In the case of China and Japan they are two interesting markets because our shipments are increasing (in 2017 shipments to these destinations doubled compared to 2016), however in terms of market size for avocados they are still not very significant markets because they don't have such ingrained consumption like in Europe and the United States," the executive was quoted as saying.