Chile: Per-kilo kiwifruit returns rose by a fifth during 2017 season

Average per-kilo returns to Chilean kiwifruit growers increased by a fifth year-on-year during the previous season, according to a release from the Federation of Fruit Growers (Fedefruta).
It said the figure rose to US$0.48 per kilo for the Hayward variety between weeks 20-45, marking a 20% increase over 2016, which saw an average of US$0.40.
Fedefruta noted that while the increase was considerable, the returns were not quite at the levels achieved in 2014 and 2015 - US$1.05 and US$0.51 respectively - after the industry was severely impacted by frost damage.
According to the organization's report, in week 20 last year average per-kilo net returns for category 1 fruit were above average at US$0.67, and rose to a peak of US$0.72 between weeks 25 and 27. However, toward the end of the season the industry's fortunes turned, and returns on week 45 were just US$0.25.
Category 2 fruit peaked at US$0.54 in weeks 23-25 and then dropped to US$20 at the last stage of the campaign.
The report also noted that while the 2017 season had seen a 2.8% year-on-year decline in volume, "the feeling in the industry is positive thanks to the increased returns, caused in large part by the scarce kiwifruit supply in the Northern Hemisphere at the start of the season and the lower volume of New Zealand fruit."