Cold weather in Spain hits vegetable production for second year

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Cold weather in Spain hits vegetable production for second year

A second cold snap in as many years in Spain is once again causing supply issues in other European countries, local media El Liberico reports.

The article said that suppliers were seeking out alternative sources in a bid to avoid a repetition of the vegetable crisis of 2017.

Low temperatures in January affected vegetable production in southern Spain, exacerbating the growing conditions that were already poor due to one of the worst droughts in history.

Wholesale market prices of iceberg lettuce from Alicante, Murcia and Argelia reportedly rose around 50% in four weeks between mid-December 2017 and January 2018.

Analyst Rutika Ghodekar was quoted as saying that the bad conditions for the crop had "caused a lettuce shortage in the majority of the European Union countries, and the situation is as bad or even worse than last year."

A spokesperson for the Florette salad brand said the company was trying to source more produce from the likes of northern Spain, southern France and northern Africa to fill the supply gap.


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