Chile: San Osvaldo aims to become leading citrus producer in Coquimbo

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Chilean citrus company Agrícola San Osvaldo is aiming to become one of the biggest lemon producers and exporters in the country's northern Coquimbo region.
Using a system that integrates all the stages of the production process, the company farms on 300 hectares of lemon orchards in an area that has one of the best climates in Chile for growing the citrus fruit.
The region offers a good combination of climatic and soil conditions, resulting in excellent quality for its consumers and allowing San Osvaldo to provide high-quality fruit throughout the year.
The company has an annual production volume of 17,000 metric tons (MT) but is currently in a development process that will allow it to achieve 24,000MT by the year 2022. However, this figure could be achieved in a shorter time period with further expansions plans that are presently being studied. With this growth, San Osvaldo aims to become one of the leading citrus companies in the country.
The entity's facilities cover some 14,000 square meters and are equipped with the latest technology, resulting in high quality and consistency in its products, along with an efficient use of energy and labor.
The facility has the capacity to process up to 160 metric tons (MT) of lemons in an eight-hour shift, and that capacity could double in a couple of years thanks to an expansion due to be completed in 2022 involving the installation of a second processing line.
San Osvaldo supplies both the domestic and international markets, with currently 60% of its production consumed in Chile and the remaining 40% exported.
During the last campaign, the company shipped lemons to leading export markets including the U.S., Japan, continental Europe and the U.K.
Within the domestic market, San Osvaldo is a year-round strategic supplier of lemons, providing fruit for the main supermarket chains through its own logistics network.
San Osvaldo's projects are not just focused on increasing production and processing capacity, but by diversifying into other citrus fruits like mandarins, clementines and oranges. The company is set to venture into agroindustrial processing with juice production.
These initiatives contemplate an investment approximately US$10 million.
For more information on Agrícola San Osvaldo:
Ignacio Tamés
Telephone: +56961906017
Mauricio Zwanzger
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