U.K.: Waitrose's avocado Easter egg sells out fast

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U.K.: Waitrose's avocado Easter egg sells out fast

An avocado-shaped easter egg has become the fastest selling own-brand egg ever in the 114-year history of British supermarket chain Waitrose, The Telegraph reported. 

The chocolate egg resembles half an avocado, with an outer shell and inner dome made from 70% cocoa dark chocolate, while the green flesh of the fruit is made from white chocolate with natural green coloring.

The article reports that although the easter eggs are being restocked in most branches, Elizabeth Sutcliffe, Waitrose's Easter egg buyer, believes that all supplies will be gone before Easter. The egg has proved so popular that it remains sold out online.

Avocado demand has increased significantly over recent years. In December 2015, more avocados were sold than oranges.

Nielsen's annual analysis reportedly showed that avocados saw an increase in sales of Â£29.8 million between 2016 and 2017, making it the third most popular grocery product of the year.


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