U.S.: Superfresh promoting Granny Smith apples for Cinco de Mayo
With Cinco de Mayo coming up in just a few weeks, Domex Superfresh Growers is targeting Granny Smith apples as a promotional item.
The company said the variety was the most talked about apple in digital media and represented 11% of the apple category in both dollar share and volume.
"Nothing compares to this bright green tart variety that eats well out of hand and works great in salsas, salads and pies. Granny Smith apples are most popular within Millennial and Hispanic communities, who both trend toward the tarter-spectrum of apples," the group said in a release.
"Sprinkling TajĂn on sliced Granny Smith apples are a popular snack for all ages. They are also ideal for juicing."
The company said 60% of sales of the variety were in bulk while 40% were in bags.
"Creating large bulk displays draw attention to the bright green, festive color of Granny Smith apples. Attract shoppers to Cinco de Mayo promotions by placing them near the cash registers and front of store," Domex Superfresh Growers said.
"Merchandising opportunities include both traditional in-store placement, as well as putting on ad next to each other and suggesting pairing the two. Cross promotional ads create kitchen inspiration by suggesting an eating occasion.They resonate well among all demographics and houselholds, enabling them to be a produce staple."