Back to College already a success for California Giant

Watsonville, CA – California Giant Berry Farms has shifted focus of their Back to School promotion to college bound students as they set off or return to College. These young adults are already responding to the promotion, the e-book offering packed with recipes and tips, and joining the mailing list to get even more from California Giant as they attempt to eat healthy away from home. The new College Fresh Start promotion and sweepstakes helps students find a way to eat healthy even when living in a dorm.
This Fresh Start Promotion launched the first week in August and to date the company has received over 64,000 submissions to enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win one of eight gift cards. An additional 8,000 young adults have become new contacts in the California Giant database to receive even more information in the future.
As so many young adults get settled into their college lifestyle, the first thing they need when starting a new semester is food. Buying groceries may be a new experience for some and trying to eat healthy is tricky on a limited budget, so California Giant is enticing young adults with both an e-book chock full of easy-to-make food ideas and hacks, as well as giving away Visa gift cards. “This hits home with many family members of the California Giant staff head off to college, or back to college, and as our summer interns return to school this fall”, says Cindy Jewell, VP of Marketing.
California Giant also provides lots of great recipes, short cuts and tips for moms as they get back into the swing of packing lunches and rushing through the morning ritual of getting their school age kids out the front door just in time to catch the bus or carpool. This is still a very important audience to California Giant that will also benefit from a custom e-book full of new ideas and recipes to help busy families on the go.
The new Fresh Start College Edition targets young adults between 18-25 that are trying stay healthy on a budget and learn to shop on their own.
The six-week promotion is supported by social media advertising, email marketing, blog postings to the existing database of over 100,000 consumers that have opted in, and two e-book offers launched August 1 and will run through September 15, 2018.