South Africa: Table grape growth back on track in first crop estimate

The South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) has forecast volumes for the 2018-19 season of between 63.2 and 70.1 million 4.5 kg-equivalent cartons.
The current record stands 67 million cartons produced in the 2016-17 season.
Last season saw production of 62 million cartons.
"Good winter rains to date have largely broken the severe drought in the Western Cape," SATI said.
"This positive outlook, linked to new plantings and new cultivars, brings the South African table grape industry back on its ‘organic’ growth trend over the past four years."
The new plantings are also of higher-yielding cultivars.
The earliest Northern Provinces Region is expected to produce an even better crop than last year, SATI said. This was the only region to have increased its volumes in the previous season.
The Orange River region closely follows with harvesting at the start of November with an expected return to normal crop volumes.
The Olifants River Region was hit the hardest by the drought, but SATI said vineyards seemed to have recovered well following the good winter rains. New vines planted before the drought are also expected to come into full production. The expectation is that the region will return to pre-drought volumes.
Production volumes for the Berg River Region are estimated to return to normal as well. The Hex River Region is expecting a return to average production figures in line with the industry growth trend.