India: Maharashtra table grape exports surge 20% this season, could break record

Indian table grape growers in the country's top production state have exported more than 191,000 metric tons (MT) this season, marking a 20% year-on-year rise, The Financial Express reported.
In 2016-17, the total exports from the state were around 131,000MT.
To date, around 7,480 containers from various grape-growing regions in Maharashtra have been exported, with the Nashik region commanding an 80% share.
Maharashtra State Grape Growers Association general-secretary Kailash Bhosale said that the container figures could go up to 8,500 and this could be a record-breaking season for the state.
Some 112,000MT has been exported to the EU, which includes the U.K., the Netherlands and Germany.
Indian exporters had come faced some issues in the middle of the season, with Russia and Sri Lanka demanding pest-free area certificates. According to exporters, containers from India were lying uncleared for weeks in the port of St Petersburg.
Bhosale said that the issues had been sorted out, because of which Russia has turned out to be a major market for India this season. Russia is among the largest importers of grapes.
The season is likely to continue until mid-April.
You will be able to find more information on topics such as this at the inaugural Global Grape Summit, which will take place alongside the London Produce Show and Conference on June 5th, 2019. Please visit www.globalgrapesummit.