Another round of heat coming to western U.S.

The heat wave that engulfed most of the western U.S. growing areas bringing much above normal temperatures the last six days came to an end on Thursday, according to Weathermelon.
Temperatures for the most part have returned close to normal in all regions, it said.
"Although the heat is over you might want to keep a close eye on quality of products coming from certain regions out west at least for a few more days," it said.
The heat can be good for some regions and commodities to help bring on the crop faster but for other items the heat can be detrimental to the quality. Areas such as the Coachella Valley that saw six days above 110°, peaking at 116° on Wednesday the heat may have caused some issues to commodities such as tomatoes and melons coming from the region.
Next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday expect these same warmer temps to return to most growing regions. The deserts will see temps once again above 110° and San Joaquin Valley cities will see max temps above 100°. The coastal regions will also see warmer temps. By June 21 temps will cool off once again.
Meanwhile, the cherry regions of British Columbia, Canada, which have also experienced above-average temperatures the last week or so will continue to see max temperatures in the upper 80°s (10° above normal) through Monday, Weathermelon said.
By Tuesday of next week things will change and max temps will drop down into the 70°s with a slight chance of rain next Tuesday and Wednesday depending on the exact region.