New technology used to replace plastic and paper with banana leaves

For the founder of Banana Leaf, Tenith Adithyaa, the excessive use of plastic is a central contributing factor to global climate change.
The Indian academic decided to utilize technology to replace plastic and paper with an organic and sustainable product.
From this idea, Banana Leaf Technology came to life. Its objective is to provide a model that “generates a change in the environment”.
Adithyaa told that the idea to create Banana Leaf emerged when he saw that many growers were throwing away banana leaves.
“They threw it away like waste because there was a lack of technology for preservation,” he commented.
He thought about a better way to reuse those leaves - by using them as a material in products that are usually made with plastic and paper.
“It was trial and error,” said Adithyaa. “After four years of research and development, the journey began.”
The process
Adithyaa worked with technology to improve cells in the plant. It preserves the leaves and strengthens them to be used as material.
“We worked with banana leaves because they are widely produced throughout the world but this cell biology work could also be done with other vegetables,” he explained.
He went on to say that the idea was to use a “technical way to improve the cells and create biomaterials from organic substances like leaves”.
To do this, the technology reinforces the cellular wall. This results in physical and biological changes to the leaf.
It also makes the aging process slower and freezes it for three years.
The resulting conserved leaves resist extreme temperatures and support more weight than natural leaves.
“The idea is to create biomaterial that has similar properties to plastic and paper without using chemical,” said Adithyaa.
The products of Banana Leaf
Since the beginning, the company has produced more than 30 products, including cups, plates, envelopes, and boxes.
“We still cannot replace all of the plastic and paper consumption in the world but with this initiative we want to combat disposables,” he commented.
Banana Leaf’s technology could be used for numerous materials and applications.
“Our products are healthy, environmentally friendly and they adhere to international regulations of the Plant Protection Convention," he said.
Currently, Banana Leaf is selling its patented innovation to companies around the world that want to replicate the idea.
“It is available for all companies that share a vision to make the planet a better place for living things,” said Adithyaa.
Adithyaa is now in the process of providing the technology to two global companies.
Photos: Banana Leaf Technology