Mexican avocado industry seeks greater quality and traceability

The Mexican avocado industry has formed a new group to work toward improving the quality and traceability of its fruit. It made official a plan to improve avocado quality throughout the country.
The Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Mexico (APEAM) met on Tuesday to discuss the move. Michoacán's state organization was also involved in the meetings.
There, representatives of the industry collectively agreed that it is necessary to develop new phytosanitary methods. Members also spoke about the importance of efforts to improve traceability. It added that with these priorities in mind, it will work closely with the Mexican government to achieve its goals in these areas.
Vice-president of APEAM Humberto MacÃas suggested that the industry share its practices across all Mexican states to promote consistency.
"Avocado producers in other states will follow APEAM's model," said the association.
In the meeting, the organization emphasized that it has plans to establish meetings with producers to better meet their needs. APEAM also commented on its dedication to the environment and social responsibility.