U.S.: New blackberries to hit shelves, announces Driscoll's

Driscoll's announced on Thursday that new blackberries will hit the market for a limited time this winter. Now available in certain supermarkets, the company's "Limited Edition Sweetest Batch" blackberries are an addition to the berry grower and marketer's collection of varietals.
This is the first time that the company has released an entire line that spans all of its berry categories, offering all Limited Edition berries in select regions in the U.S.
Marketing manager for Driscoll's said in a release that “this new product innovation generates buzz and excitement for the entire blackberry category, flavor is driving the overall growth of the fresh blackberry category”.
The announcement follows its roll-out of "Sweetest Batch" variety blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Varieties in this Sweetest Batch are bred naturally by Dricoll's team of plant scientists, it says.
Fresh blackberries have experienced the largest berry growth in household consumption in recent years, increasing 7.6 points over the past five years according to the company.
Explaining the push for better blackberries and high flavor profiles, Driscoll's plant breeding director Gavin Sills said that it is on a "constant pursuit to innovate and perfect different blackberry varietals". This is because "the traditional blackberry has long been known in the produce industry as an underdog berry and Driscoll's is set to revolutionize this segment with incredibly flavorful varieties".
Its Limited Edition proprietary varieties "take years to perfect" and lots of knowledge from experts about how consumers will respond to the flavor of the berry. This step, then, is something the company celebrates as it sees the berry category gaining momentum.