AgroFresh holds customer webinar

As Chilean apple growers prepare for the upcoming harvest season, they’ll have access to a new harvest management solution thanks to AgroFresh’s near-harvest Harvista™ 1.3 SC technology, which helps to deliver high-quality fruit and create harvest management flexibility for apple and pear growers.
Harvista’s unique and innovative mode of action inhibits the perception and production of ethylene and it can be applied from seven up to one day before the harvest. Harvista offers in-the-field modes of application that benefit tree fruit growers with more flexibility with their harvest window. The solution helps to keep fruit on the tree for longer, leading to optimal color, size and firmness.
AgroFresh continues to serve its customers in Chile. A leader in produce freshness solutions, AgroFresh virtually brought together more than 60 growers on June 26 to present the benefits and results of its Harvista technology.