Spanish lemon production set to rise in 2020-21

Spain is due to see an 8% year-on-year increase in lemon production to 1.29m metric tons (MT) in the 2020-21 season, an industry body has confirmed.
Ailimpo said production of the Fino variety is forecast to rise by 14% to 947,000MT, while production of the late-season Verna is set to fall by 5% to 344,000MT.
The Fino season kicked off at the end of September and will get into full swing this month, with supply running through to July.
Ailimpo said with harvesting running somewhat earlier than usual, there is sufficient quality and sizes to begin the season with good rhythm.
It added that with Covid-19 pushing up costs along the entire supply chain, producers will be hoping for strong demand as consumers continue to seek out foods that are high in vitamin C.
“The increase in costs caused by Covid-19 must be taken into account by the market with the aim of achieving a correct balance of prices and distribution of economic value along the chain,” said director José Antonio García.