GM non-browning Arctic Apple launch to convenience store market

Okanagan Specialty Fruits (OSF), developer and grower behind the innovative Arctic apple, has announced the launch of Arctic apple slices to the convenience store market.
Arctic apples’ fresh slices are available in 2 sizes and 2 varieties: Arctic Golden and Arctic Granny in 10 oz. and 5 oz. bags.
It says the sizes and packaging allow for an ideal “grab and go” option for convenience store customers looking for a snacking option that is exceptional tasting, fresh and healthy.
Arctic apple slices retain their fresh appearance and flavor long after conventional apple slices turn brown. Arctic apples use the apple’s own genes to “turn off” the enzyme responsible for making apples turn brown when cut or bruised.
The result is a longer shelf life and an apple that tastes and looks better, which means less food waste from harvest to consumption.
“In providing shoppers with Arctic apples, we’re offering a solution for those looking for a healthy option, without sacrificing freshness and flavor,” said Bob Wilkinson, Director of Sales for OSF. “By partnering with Arctic apples, you’ll not only receive exceptional sliced apples, but also quality service from our dedicated team.”
OSF is a vertically integrated organization that manages all aspects of Arctic apples from the tree to the end-user, with approximately 1,350 acres of Arctic apple orchards planted in Washington State.
Arctic apples are created for those who believe wholesome foods are essential for a healthy lifestyle and are looking for fruits that are unmatched in quality, convenience, and sustainability. For more information, please visit