Don Ricardo reaffirms its commitment with the sustainable water usage and gets the Blue Certificate

Don Ricardo is the first grower – packer – exporter of table grapes in Perú to get the BLUE CERTIFICATE (in Spanish CERTIFICADO AZUL), granted by the ANA (Peruvian National Water Resources Authority, part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation) with the support of the Swiss Government, as a result of demonstrating the efficient and sustainable usage of water in its production processes and the commitment on helping the local communities to reach this objective.
To get the BLUE CERTIFICATE, Don Ricardo has been running two projects, the first one focused on its table grapes production process, on which has measured its water footprint and has applied the usage of FDR capacitance soil moisture sensors throughout its 1.000 hectares (2.500 acres) of table grapes, with the result of reducing 26% of the average water used in a full production cycle.
The second project, named ´´Let´s talk about sustainable irrigation´´, has been focused on the community around Don Ricardo´s orchards. The project consists in technical advisory to 53 small growers in the Ica Region in Perú and involves investment in efficient irrigation equipment for their farms.
The BLUE CERTIFICATE follows the previous achievement of the company last year, which was the participation on the SPRING (Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater Use, a GLOBALGAP add-on audit) pilot project on avocados, developed with the support of the Dutch based exotics distributor Nature´s Pride.
Ricardo Briceño, President of the company stated: ´´We are very proud that Don Ricardo has been recognized by the National Water Resources Authority as a sustainable company, respectful with the environment and keeper of the most important natural resource for our activities and life: the water´´
Thanks to these projects Don Ricardo reaffirms its commitment to Grow the Best being responsible with the environment and the natural resources.