Van der Ende Groep’s Nexus HPRO wins GreenTech Sustainability Award

Van der Ende Groep was announced winner of the Sustainability Award during the opening of GreenTech Live & Online 2020. The Nexus High Performance Reverse Osmosis (HPRO) was seen as most sustainable innovation and won the prestigious award.
Van der Ende Groep is incredibly proud of this result. Sustainability is one of the key pillars of the organisation and the Nexus HPRO plays a big role. This is the second time Van der Ende Groep wins the GreenTech Sustainability Award. Two years ago, Poseidon sodium extractor won the award for most sustainable innovation.
Nexus High Performance Reverse Osmosis (HPRO)
Recovery up to 95%
Water scarcity, the sustainability debate and legislation relating to ground water use: these are all topics of great current interest that helped inspire Van der Ende Groep to develop the Nexus High Performance Reverse Osmosis (HPRO) system. The Nexus HPRO has an innovative hydraulic design in combination with artificial intelligence (AI) and was entirely developed by Van der Ende Groep itself.
The Nexus HPRO can achieve recovery rates up to 95%. A conventional reverse osmosis (RO) system constantly discharges (‘purges’) the concentrate, but this is not the case with the Nexus HPRO: it recycles the concentrate and repeats the process of extracting water. It can do this because sensors collect data and apply e-Meta intelligence (AI) to determine the optimum moment for the Nexus HPRO to purge the concentrate. The energy consumption of the Nexus HPRO is also much lower than that of conventional ROs.
The Nexus HPRO systems feature e-Meta intelligence, the brand under which Van der Ende Groep develops self-learning solutions to increase operating efficiency and sustainability. This makes the Nexus HPROs self-modifying and self-learning: a big step forward compared with the more traditional ROs. The Nexus HPRO is ideal for many applications, including: the processing industry and other industries, the agricultural sector, greenhouse and other horticulture facilities, drinking water companies, car washes and the food & beverage segment.
Advantages Nexus HPRO:
- Higher recovery rate
More yield in times of water scarcity
• Lower consumption of raw water
• Less waste water - Lower energy consumption
- Helps to achieve CSR goals
- Lower operating costs
Main stage
Van der Ende Groep presents two interesting topics at the Main stage during GreenTech Live & Online 2020. We will talk about managing the greenhouse climate when the screens are fully closed and about water scarcity and how to deal with this. On both topics, we will discuss the most important challenges, the latest techniques to overcome these challenges and what the future will bring us.
- How to manage temperature and humidity in modern greenhouses in a sustainable and effective way?
Tuesday 20 October 18.00-18.30 hr CET
Speakers: Lex van der Ende and Ferry van der Ende
- What is the impact of water scarcity or lack of quality water in the horticulture and how to manage this in the most efficient way?
Wednesday 21 October 18.00-18.30 hr CET
Speakers: Micha van Nieuwkerk and Luuk Tetteroo
Please go to the GreenTech Live & Online 2020 website to register your visit.