Pace InSite: Post-harvest backup, records and traceability

By Pace International
Pace InSite is a new data management software for the post-harvest industry, which allows access to reports and export data from the packaging line in real-time. Access your data on any device, at any time, anywhere in the world.
As the fruit industry grows and progresses, technological tools need to evolve as well in order to meet the needs and demands of the sector that is in search of solutions and security.
Today, the information available in real-time, quickly and easily, makes it possible to strengthen and generate data records that are key for companies that work with the fruit once it is harvested.
This year, Pace International, División Postcosecha Sumitomo Chemical has developed a data management software that allows the client to access in real-time the different packaging processes of fresh fruit.
The tool is essential to strengthen food safety in terms of records and traceability, analyzing different trends that will help in making decisions about daily packaging operations.
Juan Gustavo Villarroel of Pace International talked about the program and explained that this service is currently being used by various companies during the ongoing season in the U.S., where the implementation has been successful, with results showing positive client experience.
This service is available in Chile today and is one of Pace International’s main objectives this 2020-21 season.
Pace InSite generates records of information about the packaging process, which reaches the customer together with observations, scopes and recommendations of each area of the process, verifying the correct use of products and strengthening the specific objectives of the company.
All of the information captured is available to analyze, observe and develop trends of the processes, and can even help to anticipate different situations.
“The other important thing is traceability, a concept that is currently essential for the various industry certifications, mainly in terms of food safety. It is very important that there is traceability in the process, to know what was done, when it was done and how it was done,” said Villarroel.
Pace InSite allows you to update old work and behavior patterns, where the information was collected on paper by different actors, who kept separate records, producing inefficiency and complexity in the analysis process.
“Pace InSite generates all of the information automatically, bringing the process a simpler and easier way to understand. When entering the platform, the customer will be able to see their data, records, graphs, trends and statistics, which will help them strengthen their management and handling inside the fruit packaging facility," Villarroel said.
Villarroel said that the pandemic in Chile increased the requirements to enter the packaging facility.
“Because of the circumstances, authorization is required in order to enter the packaging facility, verified documents, security measures and other justifiable protocols that make all of the post-sale services seem a bit slower. With Pace InSite information is continuously created, helping to keep guidelines and information up to date.
“In addition, a large part of the application hardware that Pace International delivers to its customers uses telemetry, a concept integrated into our company that manages to carry out measurements and remote handling, without the need to be in the packaging facility; allowing to increase the efficiency and security within the operating system,” he said.
For Pace International, today safety is essential not only at the packaging level but also for all the people who interact within the Chilean agriculture sector. Thus, the launch of this new state-of-the-art software and all the investments that it entails, makes the Chilean industry a pioneer in the search for technology and tools that help support our clients on a global scale.
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