First Chilean lemons sent to Asia and U.S.

The first Chilean lemons of the season have been sent to international markets, with Asia receiving the majority and the rest destined for North America.
The lemon harvests began in week 15 with the Messina, Eureka and Génova varieties, and the first exports were sent in week 19, according to the Citrus Committee of Asoex.
As of week 21, a total of 4,029 metric tons (MT) had been exported with two-thirds going to the Far East and one-third to the U.S.
In the Far East, the vast majority have been sent to Japan, with smaller volumes going to South Korea and China.
As of week 21, exports are 16 percent higher year-on-year.
This season, Chile's lemon exports are forecast to grow by 3 percent to reach 98,000MT.
Chile has 22,000 hectares of citrus planted, in the IV and VI regions, with one-third of this hectarage corresponding to lemons.