Planasa shareholders acquire the Dutch raspberry breeding group Advanced Berry Breeding

Planasa shareholders have invested, through their investment platform, in the acquisition of the Dutch raspberry breeding group ABB, composed of Advanced Berry Breeding BV, Advanced Plants BV, Allberry BV and FuelPlants BV.
ABB group is a well renowned company dedicated to the breeding and commercialization of its own raspberry varieties (Kwanza®, Kweli®, Shani, Mapema®, Wengi, Imara®, Sarafina, Rafiki, and Jambo® among others). In recent years, it has experienced strong growth and expanded its commercial presence globally. Its current varietal portfolio has a very good reputation among its customers, and new launchings are expected over the next seasons.
After Planasa’s acquisition in the first quarter of 2018, this is the second investment of its shareholders in the berries market. After the investment, both companies will continue to operate completely independently in the same way they did before.
ABB counts on an experienced team led by Wim Aalbersberg (CEO) with capacity and determination to continue growing the business. André Smaal and Geert de Weert, founders of ABB, will continue managing the business together with the CEO.
For more information or additional details, please contact: Wim Aalbersberg at