State of the Grape Market - November, 2021

Decofrut presents the State of the Market for table grapes during November, looking at supply, demand and pricing for three markets - the U.S., Europe and China.
Over the past month, table grape imports in China's wholesale markets remained down. Prices have been gradually decreasing over the weeks and inventory turnover ranged from good to fair, with greater movement in white seedless grapes versus black seedless.
Compared to October, marginal lots from Spain of the Autumn Crisp variety were registered with low prices, however, the majority supplier of table grapes continues to be the U.S., standing out in the Autumn Crisp and Autumn Royal varieties. Almost all shipments were destined for the Guangzhou market and these volumes were mostly made up of air arrivals.
Considering the varietal groups of the last month, within the markets of China, most of the volumes are of white seedless grapes and in small quantities black seedless were seen, without registering red grapes or Red Globe.
The group with the highest volume was white seedless in general saw good movement, trading in week 44 at US$9.29 per kilogram on average, a decrease of 10 percent compared to the previous week. However, the category maintained higher prices than last season, with an increase of 22 percent year-on-year.
Regarding black seedless grapes, there was regular to slow movement with erratic prices, closing at an average of US$8.14 per kilogram, a three percent drop from the previous week and would be trading 99 percent year-on-year.
In October, the U.S. table grape market improved its movement compared to the previous period, maintained prices in promotional values and improved the quality and general condition of the fruit.
As for the Californian grape, some unfavorable weather events occurred towards the end of October, causing poor condition in parts of the fruit at the beginning of November, a situation that has put some pressure on the movement of the affected volumes, in many cases seeing preference in the movement with respect to the older grape stocks.
Inventories continued to grow although they are generally registered below last year by 21 percent, with the main varieties of each group seeing changes. Autumn King is down 23 percent, Allison decreased by 11 percent, Autumn Royal saw a 117 percent increase and Red Globe a 58 percent increase.
Regarding competition from the southern hemisphere, Peru and Brazil continue to record tonnages with volumes increasing mainly from the former, although still low. The greatest movement is expected to continue during the rest of November, seeing a greater volume imported from the southern hemisphere already towards the month of December, hoping to maintain an adequate supply.
Prices for white seedless grapes saw a slight rise of two percent in the monthly average price, registering at $2.41 per kilogram, a one percent decrease year-on-year.
For seedless red varieties, monthly prices were two percent lower year-on-year, averaging $2.42 per kilogram, a four percent increase compared to 2020.
Black seedless varieties saw a monthly decrease of two percent for an average of $2.42 per kilogram. For Red Globe, prices averaged $2.64 per kilogram, a five percent drop compared to September and a 10 percent increase year-on-year.
During the last month, volumes of European table grapes have become increasingly limited and demand has remained relatively constant, leading to prices of the fruit mostly from Italy, generally tending to rise.
However, during the last week (44), grapes have been seen from the southern hemisphere, mainly from Brazil and Peru, expanding the offering in the different markets, meaning a drop in prices compared to the trend observed in previous weeks.
In the old continent, the local table grape still is dominant in the market, where Italy continues to stand out as the main supplier.
Although the Pallieri variety is abundant, interest is decreasing on the part of importers, who are waiting for the fruit from the southern hemisphere. Additionally, from the same origin, there are still some batches of white seedless, Autumn Crisp and Sugraone, as well as red seedless varieties (Scarlotta and Timco), although with rather limited volumes.
As for the southern hemisphere, white seedless grapes are gradually positioning themselves in the markets, standing out as origins are Brazil and Peru. Interest in their consumption is on the rise, although as there is a wide supply and still a European stock, prices have fallen in recent weeks.
Regarding the commercialized varieties, in the case of the seedless white, Arra 15, Sugar Crisp and Sugraone from Brazil stand out, while, from Peru, with small volumes but that are slowly positioning themselves in the market, Sweet Globe, Sugar Crisp and Ivory have been seen. Peruvian volumes of Allison and Sweet Nectar have also been recorded.
Finally, also of Peruvian origin, during the last week, the first Red Globe batches of the 2021-22 season were marketed.
Regarding the sale prices, as a reference, during week 44 the white seedless varieties averaged €2.34 per kilogram, decreasing 16 percent compared to the previous week.
Red seedless varieties with a scarce offer, the weekly average was €2.84 per kilogram. The Peruvian Red Globe averaged €2.19 per kilogram last week, registering a slight downward trend as supply increases.