Organic certifier calls on policy makers to “champion organic”

The largest certifier of organic land in the U.K., Organic Farmers & Growers (OF&G) has published an “organic manifesto” and called on policy makers to better integrate the advantages of organic farming and growing in response to the unprecedented transitional upheaval in the farming sector.
“We are asking that organic, with its proven ‘real world’ evidence of delivery, be given clear and unambiguous recognition,” says OF&G chief executive Roger Kerr. “Policymakers must acknowledge organic’s potential to contribute positively to the challenges we all face, in alleviating the social and environmental impacts of our farming and food system.”
Kerr believes that terms like regenerative and agroecological, which lack legally defined, whole-system standards, create increasing confusion.
The blueprint sets out the case for why policymakers should consider organic and to help farmers, food businesses and consumers recognize the multiple benefits organic delivers.
“Time is running out for prudent decisions to be made within c,” he says. “A lack of detail and continuing uncertainty is hampering the development of agricultural policy and regulation which, in turn, means farmers are unable to make long term plans.”
“OF&G has been lobbying continuously on behalf of our licensees to secure organic’s inclusion within future farming policy frameworks. Progress feels very slow when, in our opinion, the legal regulatory framework that already underpins organic farming, also offers a firm basis to help deliver on Defra’s stated aims for the provision of public goods in a substantive and cost-effective way.”
Establishing ten core reasons why organic deserves to be acknowledged, the manifesto covers key issues such as globally recognized standards, transformative farming practices, food supply chain, carbon sequestration, biodiversity enhancements and market opportunities.
Kerr insists that with decades of research supporting organic’s positive outcomes, the publication of the manifesto provides an opportunity to convey a concise and factual account of its advantages that will encourage wider recognition.
“We felt it important to strip the manifesto back to the essential truths,” continues Kerr. “OF&G is not suggesting every UK farm embrace organic conversion, but that a range of diverse approaches, including organic, will help protect our environment while delivering the resilience and adaptations necessary for UK farmers to continue to produce food in the face of the increasing climate volatility that we will see in the coming years.
“Everyone has a vested interest in supporting more benign, sustainable practices to safeguard the future. Environmentally favorable farming practices are undergoing re-invention and rebranding, however organic provides the only clear, current and verified solution.”
OF&G’s organic manifesto: ten reasons to believe
- Organic delivers transformation across all farming systems
- Organic is a solution to carbon sequestration
- Organic builds biodiversity
- Organic is agroecological and regenerative
- Organic ensures the integrity of our food
- Organic has high animal welfare
- Organic can be one of a range of farming systems
- Organic is the only globally recognized agroecology standard for food production
- Organic delivers a market demand
- Organic is an untapped opportunity