The most effective ways to manage insects on plants

The content of this article 'Fruit gardening: What can I prune right now?' was prepared by The University of Minnesota Extension and has been revised and republished by
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Many insect problems on indoor plants can be managed using nonchemical methods, particularly if the infestation is minor.
Carefully scrape scale without damaging the stem
- Wipe leaves with a damp paper towel, changing towels often to prevent spread.
- Spray small plants in a sink.
- Spray large plants in a shower.
Physically remove pests
- Handpick large pests such as earwigs, caterpillars, slugs and millipedes.
- Small numbers of scale insects can be removed using a fingernail file or something similar.
- Mealybugs can be removed using tweezers or a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
- Some pests can be removed using a forceful spray of water.
- Repot with new potting soil to eliminate soil-borne pests. Use clean pots and wash soil off plant roots.
Remove mealybugs with a swab dipped in alcohol
- Prune if a pest issue is isolated to a few leaves, stems or branches.
- When infestations are more widespread, prune the most severely infested plant parts. This makes it easier to manage pests on the remaining plant.
- In the case of severe infestations and depending on the type of plant, cutting it back may help eliminate pests.
- Watch new growth for signs of infestation.
Throw away or compost plant
- Necessary and economical if the plant is heavily infested and badly damaged.
- Avoids exposing other plants to the same pest problem.
Using pesticides for pest management
If you still have an insect problem after trying nonchemical methods, consider using a pesticide. There are a limited number of products available for indoor plants. They are sold at plant nurseries, garden centers, building supply stores and online.
They should contain one of the following active ingredients:
- No residual activity, must directly spray the insect to kill it.
- Effective against mealybugs, whiteflies, scales, thrips, aphids.
- Repeat applications usually necessary.
Potassium fatty acids (i.e. insecticidal soap)
- Sold specifically as an insecticide.
- Do not mix homemade soap products as this can burn plants.
- No residual activity, must directly spray the insect to kill it.
- Kills insects by smothering.
- Repeat applications are usually necessary.
- Effective against scales, aphids, thrips, spider mites, whiteflies.
Plant oil extracts
(canola, clove, sesame, cottonseed, garlic oils)
- Only kills when sprays cover the insects.
- Kills when insects are smothered.
- Repeat applications are usually necessary.
- Effective against scales, thrips, aphids, whiteflies, spider mites.
Neem oil
- Disrupts insect growth.
- Short to medium residual activity, lasts days or weeks.
- Repeat applications are usually necessary.
- Effective against whiteflies, thrips, aphids.
Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies israelensis, strain AM 65-52
(e.g. Knock Out Gnats)
- Applied to the soil.
- Bacteria that specifically attack fungus gnat larvae.
- Not effective against fungus gnat adults.
- Available primarily online.
- Systemic, i.e. taken up and moved throughout the plant.
- Long residual activity, lasts months.
- CAUTION: Toxic to bees; do not use on bee attractive plants that are set outside during the summer.
- Effective against mealybugs, soft scales, aphids, whiteflies.
- Be sure the plant you are treating is listed on the product label.
- If you use a product that requires to be diluted with water, mix only as much as you expect to use in one day. Be sure to use it that day.
- Apply chemicals outdoors whenever possible.
- In cold weather, spray plants indoors in a well-ventilated area.
- To prevent secondary exposure from pesticides, enclose your plant in a plastic bag and seal shut.
- Cut a small hole in the side of the bag and insert your spray nozzle.
- Move the nozzle around to spray your plant thoroughly, especially under the leaves.
- Remove the spray nozzle and quickly cover the hole with duct tape.
- Keep it out of direct sun till dry after treatment.
- Never use any pesticide on a plant that is moisture-stressed. Water the soil a day or two before applying pesticides.
CAUTION: Mention of a pesticide or use of a pesticide label is for educational purposes only. Always follow the pesticide label directions attached to the pesticide container you are using. Remember, the label is the law.