Preparing for the Global Cherry Summit 2022

The cherry industry has been facing various challenges in recent seasons. From 2020, when cherry growers around the world were seriously affected by the outbreak of COVID, to the most recent Southern Hemisphere season, which ended with enormous delays and challenges in national and international logistics that have impacted the exports in general.
This is the global context in the prelude of the Global Cherry Summit 2022, the leading cherry industry meeting in the world, which will take place - in person - on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at the Hotel Sun Monticello Conference Center in San Francisco de Mostazal, Chile, just south of the capital Santiago.
The event is jointly organized by the Yentzen Group and the ASOEX Cherries Committee and will provide attendees with all the information necessary to learn about the substantial growth of this crop. The meeting will offer informative presentations on matters such as cherry marketing in Chinese supermarket chains, opportunities in emerging markets, marketing and communications strategies from global players, as well as panel discussions on logistics challenges, among many other topics.
The meeting will begin with words of welcome from Cristián Tagle, President of the ASOEX Cherries Committee.
The first module, "analysis of Southern Hemisphere exports" will be presented by Claudio Vial, general manager of Ranco Cherries.
The second module starts with a presentation entitled "the European cherry market. How to continue growing"? and will be moderated by Matt Hancock of Norton Folgate. In this segment, Jaime Sánchez, Product Manager of SanLucar will speak about the marketing of cherries in Europe while Joseph Shaw Roberts from Kantar Research (UK) will provide insights on the European consumer, with the participation of Alejandro Van der Zwaard, of Winko Fruit (NL) as a panelist.
In the section “the North American market for cherries”, Manuel José Alcaino, President of Decofrut, will present figures from the cherry market in the U.S., while Evan Meyers of ForeverFresh will chronicle the Chilean cherry season in the USA.
In “The Chinese and Korean Market, New Challenges and Opportunities”, Kingo's George Liu will give an introduction to the Chinese cherry market. Kurt Huang of Shanghai Oheng Import will give a presentation on logistics challenges in China and Peter Zhu, VP of Pagoda, explains the nuances of the greengrocers sector in China.
“Analysis of the fresh fruit situation will be moderated by Philip Gray, an analyst from Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd. The panel will include Christian Seydewitz from Hapag Lloyd, Alberto Dale from UCC; Oliver Weinreich from TPS and Alejandro García-Huidobro, general manager of Prize.
Sergio Gamboa, advisor to the ASOEX Cherry Committee, will explain the “Brand Equity” of “Cerezas de Chile” and how it contributes to new markets.
The last panel will cover the cherry industry: How to continue growing?, which will be moderated by Lucía Corbetto, director of Alegría Foods, in which Cristian Tagle from the ASOEX Cherry Committee, Maria Ignacia Larraín from Araya & Cía and Nour Abudrapo will participate. from Unitec.
Key developments affecting the industry
The event will feature the exhibitions of prominent national and international experts, who have a long history in the sector and who will deliver key insights into the future of this dynamic industry that is evolving by leaps and bounds.
Some of the exhibitors are George Liu, the founder of FrutaCloud, a subsidiary of the Kingo Fruits, a group formed with the purpose of supporting the growing segment of e-commerce and the "new retail" in China.
Kurt Huang is General Manager of Shanghai Oheng Import & Export Co., ltd and has more than 16 years experience in the imported fruit sector. Oheng ranks as one of the leading suppliers of imported fresh fruit logistics and dispatch services in China.
Matt Hancock served as CEO of specialty cherry and stone fruit company Norton Folgate. He successfully sold the business to the Poupart Group in 2007, further making it a leading player in the supply of British cherries to supermarket chains around the world.
In the same line, Jaime Sánchez works as Senior Sales & Product Manager at SanLucar, a worldwide producer and distributor of premium quality fruit and vegetables, with a strong presence in the European market.
An essential event for the industry
The 2019 version of the Global Cherry Summit received more than 700 professionals from the main export and import countries in the world, including Chile, China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil and New Zealand, and more than 80 companies from the cherry industry. showcased their products and services.
The attendees highlighted the high quality of the talks, the organization and the diversity of the participants, among whom were exporters, importers, retailers, researchers, advisors, among others.
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