Guatemala presents innovative agricultural offer based on industrialization

Over 140 international buyers among retailers and distributors from the United States (63%), Central America (17%), Canada, South America (4%), Mexico (3%), The European Union (3%), Australia (1%), the Dominican Republic (1%) and Great Britain (1%), converged in Guatemala in the Regional Platform AGRITADE Expo & Conference of AGEXPORT are searching for new way of generating new businesses to supply these countries with the quality of agricultural products containing Guatemalan flavor.
This effort is carried out thanks to the support of the project Mipymes and Cooperatives + Project executed by AGEXPORT and financed by the European Union (MCC+), and allies such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the city of Antigua Guatemala.
“The importing companies that will be visiting the country, the following stand out: Procacci Brothers, Tomasino Farms, Vanna Tropical & Exotic Fruit, Dulcinea Farms, Courchesne Larose, Southers Specialties, Harvest Sensations, HLB Specialties as well as some of the Central American supermarket chains such as Walmart, Automercado, Colonial and La Colonia. Which they are finding an agricultural supply with added value with a view to industrialization, such as peas and vegetables ready to eat, to reach the segment of vegan consumers. Processed and frozen banana for the bakery sector; frozen fruits for agribusiness, flower bouquets and exotic foliage ready for the final sale, as well as roasted and packed coffee ready to be exported, among others”. Stated the president of the AGRITRADE Platform of AGEXPORT, Estuardo Castro.
The Guatemalan agricultural exportable offer in this region is concentrated to 20 products such as mango, avocado, persian lemon, papaya, banana, pineapple, banana, blueberries, melon, blackberry, pitaya; rambutan, cherry, apple, pomegranate, snow peas, mini vegetables, malanga, pumpkins, sweet peas, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, French beans, tomatoes, Creole peas, asparagus, oriental vegetables, pepper, among others.
Similarly, it is estimated that sales of US$30 million will be closed in two days of agribusiness business, as a result of business appointments.
"Exports of agricultural products went from $1.3 billion in 2000 to $4.3 billion in 2020, a growth of 222.6% in two decades," Castro informed.
- AGEXPORT Differentiated Coffee Committee presents the 2nd. Coffee Trade Edition:
AGEXPORT's Committee for Differentiated Coffees, with the support of the MCC+ project, will continue this activity, which is unique in its kind at the Central American level. An exhibition floor of more than 2,000 square meters, with more than 30 stands, business roundtables, conference programs, networking, and a live auction of Guatemalan roasted coffee, "Coffee Trade 2022", between Guatemalan companies and buyers from Canada, the United States, Chile and Spain, as well as other countries.
The companies, associations and cooperatives of small producers will lend an offer of specialty green and roasted coffee, parchment and ground coffee, gold coffee, organic coffee, special and differentiated coffees, among others.
The Bank of Guatemala, BANGUAT, reports that the country exported roasted coffee in 2021 for the amount of US$1,523,866.00, having an increase of 44.6% compared to 2020.
- Mango Committee: 10 companies participate with products such as: fresh mango, frozen mango, Tommy Atkins, Ataulfo, Kent and Keitt varieties; As well as mangosteen.
- Ornamental, Foliage and Flower Commission: will promote its offer of roses, snapdragons, sunflowers, lilies, gerberas, birds of paradise, flowers, leaves. Leucadendron gold strike, leucadendron orchids, kale flowers, carnations, leather leaf, aralia, cut foliage, xate and seeds. Also horsetail, aglaonema, sansevierias, cut flowers, perennials, annuals, geranium cuttings, seeds, croton, tillandsias, poinsettias, aloe, as well as others.
- Beekeeping Committee: Through 5 companies, it will offer differentiated products such as premium bee honey, pollen, propolis and pollination services for the crops exportation. As well as organic honey and pure bee honey.
- Cocoa Committee: 6 exhibitors will participate with products such as: fine cocoa beans, fine cocoa nibs, fine cocoa powder, cocoa butter, cocoa paste, premium chocolate coverage, origin dark chocolate, origin milk chocolate, white chocolate of origin and dark chocolate to drink and also dry fermented cocoa.
- Vegetables Committee: as part of this committee, peas (Chinese, sweet & Creole), green beans, carrots, radicchio, okra, as well as oriental vegetables that will be promoted like: asparagus, Brussels sprouts, frozen zucchini, broccoli florets, mini vegetables, among other healthy products.
- Avocado Committee: it will offer a variety of high quality exportable products such as: Hass avocado (fresh), frozen Hass avocado pulp, guacamole and Booth-8 avocado.