Mexican table grape exports to remain steady in 2022-23

Mexican table grape exports are forecasted to remain unchanged in the 2022-23 marketing year, despite both production and consumption projected lower, according to USDA’s Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual report.
The report forecasts a decrease in Mexican production of table grapes due to adverse weather in Sonora, which accounts for 90% of total planted area and production. The estimate is 3% lower year-on-year, at 196,000 metric tons (MT).
The report said that growers continue to face economic restraints to research and conduct testing trials to determine which new grape varieties are more profitable and disease resistant. Higher input costs to produce grapes has also led growers to consider planting more profitable horticultural crops.
Aside from weather conditions and cost surges, attracting a stable labor force for table grape production and harvesting in Sonora is also cited by major growers as a continual challenge.
The second largest producer region is Zacatecas where grape production is mainly for winemaking, the juice industry, and a smaller volume goes to the fresh market. The third producer is Baja California, where most grape production is used for winemaking. Aguascalientes ranks fourth in grape production with fruit for industrial use.
The main grape varieties produced in Sonora are Superior Seedless or Sugraone, Flame, Perlette, and Red Globe.