Fruits and vegetables can aid in brain health, study says

A recent study shows that brain health in people with high flavonols diets declines more slowly, according to CNN. The research was published in the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, the outlet reports.
The cognitive score of people in the study who ate the most flavonols declined 0.4 units per decade more slowly than those who ate the fewest flavonols.
“It’s exciting that our study shows making specific diet choices may lead to a slower rate of cognitive decline,” said study author Dr. Thomas Holland, an instructor in the department of internal medicine at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.
Flavonols are cytoprotective, meaning they protect cells, including neurons, so it’s plausible there could be a direct impact on cognition.
Holland said that: “Something as simple as eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking more tea is an easy way for people to take an active role in maintaining their brain health.”
One of the most common flavonols, quercetin, has shown promise in reducing the onset of colorectal cancer and other cancers, according to studies.
The component can be found in onions, which contain the highest levels. Lower amounts can be found in broccoli, blueberries, cauliflower, curly kale, leeks, spinach and strawberries.