Spain’s produce sales exceed $10.8B

Sales of Spanish fruit and vegetables to the 27 EU Member States amounted to €10.2 million ($11billion) in 2022, with values for fresh produce rising 3% year-on-year.
On the other hand, sales outside of the EU totaled €2.5 million ($2.747 million), as per Oct. 2022 data by the Department of Customs and Excise processed by FEPEX. This represents a 1% increase from last year.
The main non-EU market for the Spanish sector is the U.K., where Spanish exports fell by 2%, totaling €1.7 million ($1.810 million).
Regarding volumes, sales in the U.K. also fell by 8% to 1.11 million tons.
Spanish fruit and vegetable exports to the EU market amounted to 7.8 million tons, which is 9% less year-on-year. While outside the EU numbers closed at 1.7 million tons, showing a 5% decrease.
Behind the UK, the main non-EU destinations for the Spanish sector are within Europe: Norway and Switzerland.
Outside of the old continent, Canadian and Brazilian markets stand out. Shipments to Canada up to October 2022 totaled 47,619 tons, showing a 31% increase for a value of €55.2 million ($59.7 million).
Sales to Brazil amounted to 47,490 tons, increasing its volumes by 19% and totalling €53 million ($57.3 million) for a 25% increase year-on-year.