Michigan apple growers approve continuation referendum of advertising and promotion program

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has announced that the state's apple growers have approved a referendum to continue their advertising and promotion program.
They also approved the proposed changes presented by the Michigan Apple Committee.
The program will continue for an additional five years beginning Sept. 1, 2023, and ending August 31, 2028.
Current assessment rates are $0.52 per hundredweight of fresh apples, $0.28 for apples sold for processing, and $0.12 for apples sold for juice. Included are a $.04 per hundredweight for research and up to $.03 per hundredweight for promotion of U.S. apples with the United States Apple Association.
“The proposed changes included grammatical updates, and adding the words ‘up to’ before the assessment rates, allowing the MAC board flexibility to lower assessments if necessary,” said Diane Smith, executive director of the Michigan Apple Committee.
Each producer voted on two questions – one on the continuation of the Michigan Apple Advertising and Promotion Program for an additional five years; and the second was regarding proposed changes to the program.
Eighty-seven percent of producers voted yes for the program to continue, and 91% of producers voted yes to make the proposed changes to the Michigan Apple Advertising and Promotion Program.
For renewal of the program and its activities, more than 50% of the voting producers, representing more than 50% of the production of those voting, must have approved it.
Established in July 1968, the Michigan Apple Advertising and Promotion Program was developed to enhance the economic position of Michigan apple producers through advertising, promotion, and publicity programs; and to conduct market development and research; to obtain and disseminate other apple industry information important to producers.
The Michigan Apple Committee is a grower-funded nonprofit organization devoted to marketing, education, and research activities to distinguish the Michigan Apple.