South American Blueberry Convention: First look at the 2023 program

With an international program focused on the industry's global outlook, the second South American Blueberry Convention (SABC) will be held on April 18 at the Casino Monticello Event Center, in San Francisco de Mostazal, Chile.
The event is co-organized by Yentzen Group and the Chilean Blueberry Committee-ASOEX.
"After the end of a new season for Chilean blueberries, in which the increase of competition, the generation of new logistic services and the irruption of new varieties are issues of vital importance for the industry, the second version of the SABC and its world class program, is an event that nobody can miss," said Andres Armstrong, Executive Director of the Blueberry Committee.
Sponsored by the International Blueberry Organization (IBO), ProArandanos of Peru, ABC of Argentina, Upefruy of Uruguay and Aneberries of Mexico, the event will bring together more than 600 producers, exporters, service providers and traders.
"This event will be a milestone for the Chilean and South American blueberry industry. A real before and after in terms of business projection, as it will allow understanding the current variables that affect and, based on them, model the various scenarios that are presented to producers and exporters," said Gustavo Yentzen, President of Yentzen Group.
Thus, the first topics to be discussed at 9:00 am on the first day will be "Macrotrends in the Blueberry Industry" and "TheSouth American Blueberry Season", presented by Gonzalo Salinas of Rabobank and Felipe Silva, President of the Blueberry Committee of Chile-ASOEX, respectively.
"Genetics and Post-harvest" is to follow, moderated by Manuel Jose Alcaino of Decofrut. Raúl Olivares, an ASOEX advisor, will then present an "Analysis of Genetic Programs", with guest panelists Jason Wolcott of FallCreek, Osvaldo Erbetta of Hortifrut, Ignacio Sanhueza of Greenvic-Mountain Blue and Matías Alessandrini of LaFrut - Ozblu.
A more informed industry is healthier and more competitive, so the call is to promote innovation, technology and new strategies to adapt to the new scenario.
This strategic vision will be presented in "A look at the logistics situation in Chile", moderated by Felipe Silva, from ZurGroup.
This panel will begin with an introduction by Ivan Marambio from ASOEX and a “Balance of Blueberry Express” panel by Ricardo Barckhahn, from Cool Carriers.
Guest panelists for this conversation include Boris Aljaro from Maersk/Hamburg Sud and Luis Peralta from CMA CGM .
After a brunch, the panel "Global Growth Drivers" is scheduled at 14:00 pm, with an introduction and Q&A by Isabel Quiroz from iQonsulting, and the international presentations of Luis Miguel Vegas from ProArandanos of Peru and Juan Jose Flores, from Aneberries of Mexico.
Later,the focus of the conversation will be an "In-depth Analysis: Frozen World and Arrivals at Destination".
Gonzalo Bachelet, CEO of VitaFoods will talk about the outlook for the frozen blueberry market, and Juan Pablo Caballero, general manager of QIMA Produce, will analyze South American exports.
Finally, , "View from Industry Leaders" will be the closing panel.
Moderated by Ivan Marambio from ASOEX, executives María Elena Echenique from Hortifrut, Gonzalo Bachelet from VitaFoods, Ruy Barbosa, from North Bay Produce, Luciano Fiszman, from Gourmet Trading and Jorge Valenzuela, from Fedefruta, will also contribute with their experiences.
Take a look at the full program and event details here.