Key points to keep in mind for a changing almond industry
As food and beverage trends continue to be defined by a range of economic, environmental, and social impacts, as well as changing consumer tastes, California almonds can be a key ingredient to help product innovators adapt in the future.
Innova Market Insights' five key trends for 2023 present opportunities for almonds as an accessible, sustainable, and nutritious plant-based ingredient that will play an important role in continuing to meet consumer and market demands:
Displaying health benefits - On-pack messages are one source consumers consult for a product's nutritional value and health benefits. All-natural and packed with nutrients, almonds are ideal for many popular and emerging label claims, in addition to providing desired nutrients and adapting to a variety of diets.
Sustainability for the future - New agricultural systems are improving quality and sustainability, and 7 out of 10 global consumers prefer products that mention agricultural sources and benefits on the package.
The California almond community practices a zero-waste strategy that ensures every part of the almond tree is used, and California almond farmers are pioneering whole orchard recycling, a regenerative practice whereby almond trees are milled at the end of their productive life and the wood is returned to the land.
Redefining value - Consumers are looking to maximize the value of their purchases and are willing to try new experiences that ensure their personal well-being and the health of the planet. California almonds meet all of these elements. Almonds are a nutrient-rich plant-based ingredient with many applications for a variety of sensory experiences, and those grown in California benefit from a long legacy of continuously improving sustainability practices.
Plant-based products: opening a new narrative - Underutilized technology and ingredients provide the opportunity to generate sensory enhancements and new experiences in plant-based product innovation. A versatile plant-based ingredient available in more than 14 forms, almonds are adapting to the evolution of plant-based products in a variety of ways.
Positive imperfection - Consumers do not expect perfection, but appreciate transparency regarding the complexities of sustainability.
California almond farmers have reduced water use by 33% over the past two decades and are looking to achieve an additional 20% reduction by the end of 2025.