California cherry season is finally here after a late start

After a more than two-week delay in the harvest, California is finally ready to roll out its cherries for the 2023 season.
Cold weather and rain caused a setback to the start of the season, resulting in the state being unable to meet Memorial Day (May 29) demand for the fruit.
High volumes are expected in the first weeks of June, therefore retailers won’t have the necessary stock for the festivity.
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Despite the late start, the rest of the season seems promising, with high volumes at more than 8 million boxes and good-quality fruit.
It is projected to be a much better California cherry season than 2022 when volumes decreased by more than 50% year-on-year.
The Washington season which starts towards the end of California’s will also be delayed this year, allowing a smooth transition between both states.
The retail value of cherries is currently at around $60 per box.