Strong season for South American citrus

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Strong season for South American citrus

After a challenging 2022 season, Chilean citrus exports project a good year, with clementines reaching an export volume of 55,000 tons, while mandarins would have an export volume of 125,000 tons. Meanwhile, exports of oranges would reach 90,000 tons and lemons 75,000 tons.

The current season of Chilean citrus in the U.S. is ongoing and will continue until October. 

“This season has been very strong, and Navel (orange) demand has been excellent with good prices. The clementine deal has been very steady, and we expect the movement to increase from August 18 on,” Norman Barao, vice president of International Fruit Company tells

According to Barao, the Peru deal seems to be running “a couple of weeks later than normal.” However, the country is exporting its Washington Navels, Tangos, and Murcotts from August to September. 

IFC is a citrus distributor working directly with wholesalers, chain stores, and food service mostly in the eastern states, all the way down to Florida. 

Shipments this summer, says Barao, have been steady and on time, and there have been no transportation or logistical issues for citrus coming into the U.S. 

“The quality of the fruit coming in has been outstanding and we’re very happy with it, so we're looking forward to the Lane Lates and Midknights in September and October. We feel that’s gonna be a strong market with good demand,” adds Barao. 

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