Australian converts apple export-rejects into supplements

Following 2022’s adverse weather, which saw Australian apple exports decrease 4% due to hail, the sector is looking into byproducts to expand market opportunities.
Additionally, Australian grocery stores only accept tier one quality apples for its shelves, causing much fruit to be rejected and turned into processed products such as juice and sauces.
However, a local scientist is expanding the industry’s horizons on apple byproducts with a wide array of supplements, Good Fruit & Vegetables reports.
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Renovatio, Dr. Vincent Candrawinata’s business uses apples of any quality to make products including apple cider vinegar, health products and skincare.
This allows for the fruit to be used almost completely, excepting the seeds, enabling farmers to sell nearly 100% of their harvest.
"Using our patented proprietary scientific methodology, we are able to process all of the Australian apple, utilizing every part of it and then activate its unique antioxidants to amplify its goodness, benefit the body and ability for the body to absorb and process its extraordinary nutrients," says Dr. Candrawinata.
Dr. Candrawinata’s research focuses on apple phenolics, which have been linked with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, asthma and diabetes, among other health benefits.