Blue Whale seeking record numbers in Asia

Blue Whale, the world leader in apple production, has defined clear goals for the 2023-2024 season in Asia. The French company has been exporting its apple varieties to the Asian continent for more than 30 years. Nowadays, these markets account for 15% of its total exports.
The growth seen in recent years is being driven by one of its star varieties: Candine®. Sales increased significantly last season, reaching 1,000 Tn exported to Asian markets. For the new season beginning now, the company is aiming to double this figure. “Candine® has been highly successful among Asian consumers ever since it was launched three years ago, and the expectations for the future are extremely positive. And not only with Candine®,” says Marc Peyres, Director of Sales at Blue Whale. “On the one hand, we’ve detected an increase in production in the main varieties sold in Asian and, on the other hand, we’re expecting a very strong demand in all markets.”
Blue Whale is reaching all the Asian markets where France has a protocol in effect with a dozen different varieties from its catalogue. China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are all on its list of importing partners. This list also includes Vietnam, which plays an outstanding role in terms of the penetration and development of new varieties. All the heavy development in the region led Blue Whale to make the decision last year to open its own office in Singapore: “Our commitment is to be closer to our customers. So, we now have team on the ground which has proven to give us a great advantage. It allows us to offer quality support at points of sale where we arrange sampling sessions to get a better feel for our consumer profile,” explains Peyres.
Next stop: Asia Fruit Logistics (Hong Kong, 7th-9th September)
The most immediate action to be taken by Blue Whale in Asia is attending Asia Fruit Logistica. With an exhibit space located at 5H16, the multinational gala apple company is participating for the 8th time in the most important event for the fresh produce sector in Asia.
The Blue Whale team in Asia, Julien Baunmman and Benoit Barache; as well as the Director of Global Sales, Marc Peyres, will be greeting customers and creating new contacts. Visitors may sample their wide range of apples over the three days of this exhibition. The company is using its participation as a “key meeting place” where it can update its Asian partners on all the season’s new developments and specifically detail their plans for this season.
The event coincides with the Royal Gala harvest and the start of the French apple season. The first Blue Whale shipment to Asia for the 2023-2024 season will arrive in October with its Royal Gala variety.