XX Banana Time to gather the sector in Ecuador

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XX Banana Time to gather the sector in Ecuador

The Association of Ecuadorian Banana Exporters (AEBE) is preparing for its 20th international convention, Banana Time 2023, at the Hilton Colón Hotel in Guayaquil, Ecuador. 

The three-day event starts  Oct. 24. AEBE represents 70% of the banana growers in Ecuador, which is the top exporting country for this commodity.

According to AEBE, Banana Time 2023 will include experience exchanges, commercial exhibitions and business roundtables, set to provide attendees with “a complete overview of innovations and trends that will shape the sector’s future and that guarantee commercial benefits for Ecuador as a producing country.”

Related articles: Ecuadorian banana industry could lose 128,000 acres due to El Niño

Additionally, the event will analyze fundamental aspects of the sector’s performance, ranging from productive conditions, consumer trends in international markets, labor relations and the projected business performance for 2024. 

Climatic phenomena will also be discussed, particularly the effects of El Niño and La Niña in Ecuador, as well as sustainable initiatives to measure and reduce carbon and water footprint in banana production.

"This year we want to exhaust efforts to better enter the international market, we seek to promote important changes in the productive conditions of the farms, from the technical and economic point of view, going through the labor, social and environmental aspects,” says AEBE President José Antonio Hidalgo.

More information and online registration can be found at https://bananatime.btoolbox.com/index.

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