
Chileans urge Systems Approach protocol for grape exports

October 02 , 2023

With over 20 years of negotiations and a positive outlook on intergovernmental relations, the official framework for the Systems Approach program for Chilean table grape exports to the U.S. is still awaiting final confirmation.

The proposed standard was published Oct. 17, 2022, and its public consultation process ended Jan. 17. 

U.S. authorities indicate that the protocol will be published for implementation before the 2023-24 season.

However, no official communications from either government have confirmed approval for the new protocol.

This put producers and exporters, who had prepared for a season with this new mechanism, in a complex situation.

The delay in approval prompted Chile’s major guild and exporters associations to urge the Ministry of Agriculture, the chancellery, embassies and authorities to speed the process so the sector can finally be free of methyl bromide which, the Chilean sector has said, negatively impacts fruit quality on arrival.

"It is imperative that our authorities redouble their efforts to achieve the immediate implementation of this fundamental standard for the development of the table grape market, mainly in productive areas of small and medium-sized growers that are at risk of disappearing in our country,” says Chilean Fruit Growers Federation (Fedefruta) President Jorge Valenzuela

Related articles: Systems Approach for Chilean table grape imports into U.S. moving forward

Chilean table grape exports to the U.S. accounted for 40% of total shipments in 2022, making it the main destination market.

The Systems Approach implementation is set to lower costs and clear difficulties in fumigating fruit  for the U.S., providing sustainable production and exports. 

“Undoubtedly, the approval and prompt publication of the systems approach will give a new boost to small and medium-sized growers, allowing them to enter a large market with a product that is more attractive to U.S. consumers,” Valenzuela adds.

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