New “mega-port” in Peru will reduce transit times to Asia by 10 days

The Chinese shipping company, Cosco Shipping, is developing a $3 billion mega-port in Peru, the Port of Chancay which will presumably reduce transit times between South America and Asia by ten days.
Mario de Las Casas Vizquerra, manager of public affairs for the Port of Chancay tells that the project is half complete and should be finished by November 2024.
"We will have two container terminals, which will have the capacity to receive the largest ships in the world because the port will have a draft of 17.8 meters (58 feet). We are aiming at a capacity of one million containers per year and in the first year and six million unloadings," says Vizquerra.
Advanced technology
Regarding the port's technology, Vizquerra mentions tall containers in the terminals will be handled with automated cranes and unmanned trucks. The cranes of the two terminals will be semi-automated because the cargo is not uniform.
He adds that Cosco brings its best equipment and has taken the best from the different ports it has in the world. "So it will be a port 100% without power generation to the combustion base, as everything will be electric. And the technology is going to be equal or superior to what Shanghai has today."
The Port of Chancay, in the manager's opinion, will have a great impact, "because it will take at least 10 days to reach Asia and today it takes 35 days. The port will change the modus operandi of maritime routes because there will be a direct route from Chancay to Asia."
In addition, he explained that they will be able to receive ships carrying from 18,000 to 24,000 containers, which are 1,300 feet long, almost 200 feet wide, and need a minimum draft of almost 56 feet because these ships have a 52.5-foot draft at full load and cannot enter any port.
"It is a direct impact for the whole region, with quite a lot of interest from Brazil, which has states bordering Peru and they take almost 50 days to get to Asia."
He adds that once the fruit enters the port's operational area, and the container is unloaded, the whole operation will be carried out in 16 minutes.
Fruit industry
Regarding the impact on the fruit industry, he comments that they will have a capacity of 1,080 refrigerated containers, with high rotation, which are normally used for fruit exports.
"It is a great advantage because everything will be consolidated in the port's operational area, in the east zone, so the level of efficiency is very high. This would help agricultural producers in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil and Peru."