USDA announces $26M fund for regional food market development

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of approximately $26 million for the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) on Tuesday.
The initiative seeks to aid the development of local and regional food entities by helping them coordinate and expand producer-to-consumer marketing.
The funding is destined for projects that “increase the availability of locally grown food and develop new markets for local and regional food system stakeholders, farmers markets, and food hubs,” the USDA said in a release.
LAMP includes the Farmers Market Promotion Program and the Local Food Promotion Program, which seek to develop, coordinate, and expand local and regional food systems.
“LAMP funnels funding directly to projects in local and regional food systems where farmers are able to retain more of the food system dollar allowing their communities to prosper,” said Jenny Lester Moffit, USDA Marketing and Regulatory Programs Under Secretary.
Success cases include the Community Farmers Market, Inc., which received a Farmers Market Promotion Program grant to address barriers to food access in Atlanta, Georgia.
Rosebird Gardens, another grant winner based in Mohave County, Arizona, used the Local Food Promotion Program funding to expand the year-round availability and accessibility of locally and regionally produced agricultural products in Kingman and surrounding areas.
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will accept applications for the grant program until May 14, 2024 through