Frutas de Chile meets with U.S. Ambassador to address pending Systems Approach approval

The Chilean fruit guild, Frutas de Chile, continues to push for approval of the Systems Approach for table grapes exports to the U.S. market. The decades-long negotiation has garnered much attention from the global industry, although no official communications have been issued since mid-October 2022.
The Systems Approach protocol would allow Chilean table grapes exports to enter the U.S. without methyl bromide fumigation.
During a reception for sponsors of the Chilean Bicentennial, Frutas del Chile President Iván Marambio discussed the matter with U.S. Ambassador Bernadette M. Meehan. Frutas de Chile General Manager Miguel Canala-Echeverría was also present.
Marambio emphasized "the importance for our industry to achieve publication of the Systems Approach protocol to send fresh grapes without fumigation from the regions of Atacama, Coquimbo and part of Valparaíso to the U.S. market.”
Marambio said the process continues to stall due to issues “not of a phytosanitary or technical nature.”
Related articles: Chile launches pilot program for grape exports under Systems Approach
"However, we see the efforts of the authorities of both countries to achieve a solution that allows the implementation of this system that, in addition to improving the competitiveness of our grapes, also favors regions that have been seriously affected by the drought," he added.
The Systems Approach protocol has been approved by the phytosanitary agencies of both countries, and the sector is awaiting its official publication in the Federal Register.
This final step is expected to be taken sometime this year, favoring shipments of Chilean table grapes starting next season.