Tenerife avocado's characteristics differentiate it in European market

A research team from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Technology of the University of La Laguna (ULL) conducted a study to establish the chemical composition of Hass avocado from Tenerife., promoting local consumption and export to Europe.
According to the Faculty of Communication of the same university, the idea is to create a quality brand to differentiate the fruit produced in the largest area of the Canary Islands from the products of other regions and competing countries.
The team of researchers explained to the publication that avocado cultivation is growing every year, so much so that in the last ten years world production has increased by 200%.
To carry out the study, the scientists analyzed 50 samples of avocados produced in seven municipalities of Tenerife (Buenavista, Los Silos, La Orotava, Güímar, Los Realejos, Santiago del Teide and Tacoronte), which were examined for dry matter, fat, fiber, minerals, antioxidant compounds such as vitamin E, among others, and the fat profile, as well as the weight and pulp content of the fruit.
The results showed that the main component of avocado dry matter is fat, mostly monounsaturated, rich in oleic acid.
At the same time, laboratory work showed that the area of cultivation has a great influence on the chemical composition and size of this product. Thus, those produced in Buenavista have more pulp than in other localities, and those from Los Silos and Santiago del Teide are the heaviest.
As for the antioxidant content, the study revealed that avocados from Güímar have more vitamin E and a large number of flavonoids.