The Top Seven

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The Top Seven

These are's top seven stories of the week.

Colombian passion fruits ready to enter the US market

Colombian passion fruits have suffered a decrease in production due to pests, causing a reduction in volume. To learn more about this fruit category, spoke with the director of Corporación Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico de las pasifloras de Colombia, Marisol Parra.

Positive outlook for California table grapes in 2024

The California table grape season which started in the Coachella Valley on the week of May 13 is underway, with positive outlooks for the year. 

Last season, the industry was hit by Hurricane Hilary during the peak harvest period, which caused a loss of about 30% of the initial projection for the crop. It was the smallest crop on record since 1994 for the state. 

This year, the sector expects promotable volumes from June through the beginning of January. 

Peruvian table grapes: "This will be a year of normal prices"

In the 2024-2025 table grape season in Peru, Ica will no longer benefit as much from rising international prices and weak fruit production in Piura. "In my opinion, this is going to be a year of normal prices, both for Piura and Ica," says Breno Lacourt, a renowned table grape consultant in Peru, Portugal and Brazil.

South Korean imports of tropical fruit at an all-time high

South Korean fruit imports have been at an all-time high in these past couple of months, according to Korea Customs Service trade statistics.

The government has been spearheading an effort to diversify supply to alleviate the high fruit prices of apples and pears, which are the main culprits behind price spikes. Since March, authorities have been intensively supplying imported fruits.

World Avocado Organization responds to Christian Aid Avocado report

The World Avocado Organization says the report "Getting Smashed, The Climate Danger Facing Avocados," singles out the avocado industry as one of the main culprits for water shortage and climate change. 

The organization released a press release stating they "deplore the paper," because its largely built on incorrect facts from non-scientific sources like gardening magazines written by experts who have no environmental expertise. 

APHIS removes Oriental Fruit Fly quarantine in Santa Clara County, California

On May 16, 2024, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) removed the Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis; OFF) quarantine in Santa Clara County, California, after three OFF life cycles elapsed with no additional detections in this area.

This action releases the 112 square miles of the Santa Clara County quarantine, which contained 27 acres of commercial agriculture.

South African citrus season sees great quality amid logistic challenges

With a season lasting approximately 28 weeks, the South African citrus industry is a driving force in the country’s economy. However, logistic challenges could hinder exports this year, the Citrus Growers Association of Southern Africa (CGA) warned.

Citrus season usually starts with lemons and grapefruit in late March and continues until October when the final oranges are picked. July and August are normally the peak months.

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