
Brazilian grapes to make China debut this year

June 14 , 2024

Brazilian agricultural products continue to make headway in the Chinese market.

As reported on June 12 by, representatives of Brazil's public and private sectors met earlier this month in Beijing for a new plenary session of the Sino-Brazilian High-Level Commission for Concentration and Cooperation (Cosban).

At the meeting, the opening of the Asian giant's market to Brazilian pecans was officially announced, followed by news of additional negotiations for Brazilian grapes. 

Cosban announced on June 13 that both countries had reached an agreement on phytosanitary measures and that Brazilian grapes will soon debut in China.

The Brazilian industry is now awaiting the official announcement to begin exports.

Related articles: Brazilian pecans enter the Chinese market

The Brazilian Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruits and Derivatives (Abrafrutas), an entity that participated in the delegation that traveled to China, stressed that Brazilian grapes are known for their quality and market potential and that the opening of the Chinese market represents a great opportunity for the country's producers.

"We are optimistic about this new stage. China is a promising market and opening it to Brazilian grapes marks an important step in the expansion of our exports," said Abrafrutas president Guilherme Coelho.

Fruit consumption in China has increased significantly in recent years, driven by a growing concern for health and wellness among people. For Abrafrutas, this increase in demand offers a valuable opportunity for Brazilian exporters, who can benefit from the Chinese consumer's continuous search for fresh and healthy products.

On August 8, Chile and Peru will join in the first Global Grape Convention at the Monticello Casino Event Center to face the great challenges of grapes worldwide. This is a unique event in its category and is organized by Yentzen Group.

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